Via Francigena
21-12-2021 16:03 - Via Francigena, Hostel
Pilgrim's Credentials
Those who walk the Via Francigena can enter in a deep connection with oneself but also in a network of people who host them along the way. In Italy, the route is historically scattered by Misericordie which can give free accommodation to wayfarers. That spirit is restored by private accomodation who decide to simulate the mercifull hospitality giving a special discount on their staying for all pilgrims. To do that you can get a pilgrim passport (which is not an official document!) where you can mark your walking achievement with persolaized stamp which can easily become a beautiful souvenir of your alternative journey.

Do you want to stamp your credential?
You can drop by our tourist information office in Piazza del Popolo, 1 (San Miniato).
We sell and stamp your passport every day.
Check our opening hours
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